Your Childs First Dental Experience

October 16, 2020 | Dental Blog

The American Dental Association recommends for your baby’s first dental visit to be within the first six months after they spring their first tooth or by their first birthday.

This helps your pediatric dentist get familiar with your family and vice versa. It is important to start children on a regular dental schedule early, because this will set them up for optimal dental health and it will also help prevent any dental anxiety.

The First Visit

When your child makes their first visit to the dentist, you can expect the doctor to discuss your baby’s detailed medical history, drug allergies as well as any concerns you as a parent may have. After that your pediatric dentist will take specific X-rays (if needed depending on your baby’s age). Also, keep in mind that it’s recommended to arrive a few minutes early to fill out any needed paperwork.

During these visits your dentist will evaluate your child and advise you on best dental care routine for their specific needs, including maintenance and preventive care. Your pediatric dentist will guide you on the best routine for your child’s oral hygiene, specifically flossing and brushing at a minimum of twice a day and the use of toothpaste with fluoride. It may come as a surprise to you, that your dentist might even want to discuss your child’s diet at that first appointment. Diet is actually extremely important, because more and more children come in with interproximal decay which is caused by over usage of sipping from sippy cups, or from constant snacking on foods such as fruit snacks, cookies, or crackers that contain a lot of carbs.

Helping your Child Prepare

To prepare for your child’s first dental visit, begin with a good oral hygiene routine when their first tooth comes in. Parents may start with brushing their child’s tooth for about 30 seconds, twice a day, and then slowly transitioning to two minutes. Make your child’s brushing experience fun with creative games as well as fun toothbrush and toothpaste options and that will help with setting good oral hygiene habits for the future.